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Christian Atheist: Ashamed of Your Past/Aren't Sure He Loves You

Last week, we started a series on Christian Atheism. This week, we're talking about when you believe in God, but are ashamed of your past and aren't sure that He loves you.

  • Our past becomes a cycle. We believe that pain and failure is who we are, not just an event. Because of this, we just keep doing what we are doing because we think that's all we can be.  WE ARE NOT OUR SINS OR PAST.
  • We need to heal by accepting. If we do not accept our past, we cannot know God because we cannot live for Him.
  • We are forgiveable, changeable, capable and moldable. Forgiveable: God forgives us for any and all of our sins, as long as we ask. Changeable: We can change. It doesn't matter what our past is, we can change from it, as long as we have God's help and willing to do so. Capable: We are capable of changing. Moldable: God can shape us to be more Christ-like.
  • Embrace God. It's the ONLY way to change our future. God loves you regardless of what you did in your past.
In Matthew 18, there is a story about a shepherd and 100 sheep. If one sheep goes astray, the shepherd will leave the 99 sheep to save it. God is the same way with us. He will leave to find the one person straying.

It is hard to understand God's love. We are used to temporary love; love that lasts for a week, a month, a year, even a marriage is temporary. Eventually we all die. This life is temporary.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16 (NIV)

Now, take John 3:16 and phrase it: "For God so loved (your name) that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for you and give you a future in Heaven, if you embrace God.

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