
Welcome to the blog for TurningPoint Youth Ministries, Parma Christian Fellowship Church's Youth Group. Here you will find out what we've been up to recently, lessons, pictures from events, and posts from our teens.


Valentine's Dinner 2012

Today, we had our Second Annual Valentine's Dinner. We had a great turn out, serving 43 people this year, almost doubling what we served last year! We had 10 teens working at the event, and they all did a fantastic job! The leaders are very proud of the hard work they did!

The Valentine's Dinner is a fundraiser for Parma Christian Fellowship Church's Building Fund. (You can find out more about our building project here.) The Valentine's Dinner aims to give friends, families and couples a nice, relaxing evening out for dinner.

We were lucky enough to have received enough food donations to give over $500 to the Building Fund! Thank you to everyone who donated their money, food, time and energy to the Valentine's Dinner (and a very special thank you to the Brockport Wendy's for the salad and Justice Florist for the centerpiece that was raffled)! There is no way that the dinner would have been as successful without you.

You can check out all of the pictures at our Flickr site, here.

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