
Welcome to the blog for TurningPoint Youth Ministries, Parma Christian Fellowship Church's Youth Group. Here you will find out what we've been up to recently, lessons, pictures from events, and posts from our teens.


Responding to Adversity

Adversity: a state, condition, or instance of serious or continued difficulty or adverse fortune
Adverse: 1: acting against or in a contrary direction, hostile; 2a : opposed to one's interests; especially  unfavorable, b : causing harm, harmful

We read through Job 1 and Job 2 for this lesson.

Did Job experience adversity?
Yes. Job lost everything, which was not in his interests or fortune.

How did Job respond?
Job responded in a positive way toward God, who took everything away from him. Job still praised God and talked to God.
Give some examples of adversity that you experience:
  • Illness
  • Unkind comments from others
  • Actions of others
Heat represents adversity
•Carrots  -> mushy, fall apart
•Egg        -> hard
•Coffee   -> changes environment

How do you respond to adversity?

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