As part of our "A Teen's Life" series, we discussed six topics; change, growth, expectations, experimentation, emotions and decisions.
What was the most important category to you? Many of our teens told us emotions and decisions were most important to them.
Who are you affecting when you make decisions? At some point, you should begin to think about who you are affecting (like others or God), and not base decisions about looks or feelings. We need to learn to think "what does God want from me?"
Everything gets amplified as you grow. It's appropriate for a 12 year old to think like a 12 year old, but it's inappropriate for an 18 year old to think like a 12 year old, or a 25 year old to think like an 18 year old.
All of the categories are involved in your life. You need to grow and learn so you can become an independent adult. You are now learning how to do that. You need to learn how to handle emotions and make decisions now, so you are able to mature into an adult. Becoming an independent adult is a mental state, not something that happens because you reach a certain age. You should show respect for others and yourself, be past experimenting, begin planning for your future and thinking about tomorrow. People expect you to do this, and people will take you seriously when you can do this and show that you can do this.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
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